Marcus Salvato Quintanilla, FCIArb

Arbitrator, Mediator, Counsel

Global Dispute Resolution

San Francisco - Houston - Miami

Education & Teaching

Through my adjunct teaching, I have the pleasure to help a new generation of lawyers develop their skills. My own formation as a young lawyer - first at Harvard Law School and then through federal clerkships at the district court and the court of appeals - impressed on me the importance of hard-working, intellectually honest, and supportive teachers and mentors. I try to set a similar example for my students. In the process, I benefit as much as they from sustained analysis of the sometimes complex legal issues that characterize both domestic and international arbitration.


Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts
J.D., June 1999
Thesis: Finding the “Extra” Element: Copyright Preemption and the Law of Ideas
Honors: cum laude; research assistant to Prof. Arthur R. Miller

Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts
A.M., Classical Philosophy (Ethics), June 1996
Thesis: Foundations of the Natural Law in Cicero’s De Officiis
Honors: Graduate Prize Fellowship

Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
B.A., Philosophy, May 1993
Honors: magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Ryan Medalist in Rational Philosophy


United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Law Clerk to Honorable Pamela Ann Rymer (September 2001–August 2002)

United States District Court, Central District of California
Law Clerk to Honorable Alicemarie H. Stotler (August 1999–August 2000)


UC Davis School of Law, Davis, California
Visiting Lecturer, August 2022–Present
Subject: International Arbitration

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
Visiting Lecturer on International Commercial Arbitration

University of California, Irvine Extension, Irvine, California
Brazilian Executive Law Program
Visiting Lecturer on International Arbitration

Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Teaching fellow for Professors John Rawls, Robert Nozick, and Stephen Jay Gould


English (native)
Spanish (fluent)
French, Portuguese (reading knowledge)